Sunday, July 27, 2008

Bobble Head Family

Bobble Head Family
Originally uploaded by projectpink

Go Dodger Blue!
I know, I couldn't resist! I get promotional email from Dodger
Stadium because we go to the games when we can (maybe 3-4 times a season, then we watch the rest on TV). One of the emails was to create your own bobble head graphics.
Of course, how could I pass it up?
They are smart... you can see their website on the base of our bobble heads.
Check it out to make your own and customize it to your favorite baseball team...although I highly suggest Dodger Blue.


Kelly said...

Ha ha; very cute.

And sorry but, Go Giants! Beat LA.

patrice said...

It really looks like you three have a lot of fun together! And that little cutie could melt my computer...