Thursday, May 29, 2008

Quirky but not Quirky

White Castle Burgers
Originally uploaded by V G.

Quirky? Depends on your definition of quirky.
To me this list of things about me is quirky but not quirky.
That is, it's not quirky to me, but may seem quirky to you.
I live for quirky things!

1.) I love taking photos of my food. Perfect example is this photo of
White Castle Burgers that we had in Michigan recently. I've been known for my "sandwich" series of paintings which is part of this
quirky fascination with food. Although, I'm not quite as obsessed now as I was when I was doing the "sandwich" series. But, it still pops up!

2.) I *heart* love. I love love. I am in love with love. Does this make any sense? Another reason I love the comic "Love Is..." so much.

3.) Sunsets. If I am in the a place to see the sunset I have to look at it. If I have my camera I will take photos.

4.) When I drink Boba Milk Tea I imagine I could mingle with Madonna, talking about music, kids, and storybooks. Then, I could help design the graphics for her next performance.

5.) Even though I love LOVE, I still have a worse case scenario
default that happens in my mind. I find "what ifs" and come to conclusions, then do mock problem solving. I attribute this quirk to my creativity working overtime.

6.) I actually aspire to be more quirky, but motherhood and working full-time has mellowed me out. Which isn't a bad thing.


thank you for tagging me. Click on Patrice, to see more on Quirky.
Anyone want to volunteer to be tagged and make a list of 6 Quirks?

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Originally uploaded by V G.

Here's the Pow Wow at Walpole Island which borders Michigan and Ontario,Canada. The island is considered Canadian land.
Things are very green this time of year.
Z had fun with his cousin (in pink). They ran around like crazy.
I just tried to keep up with them all day.
We had fairly good weather. It rained for 15-20 minutes, then passed. Then it would rain again. Overall, we lucked out with the weather since this time of year you never know what you will get.
The Pow Wow was fun. I always enjoy the bright colors of the Native American dance wear. Since I don't go often, I at first felt very "white" even with my 50% of Native American blood from this specific tribe, Chippewa, who originated on Walpole Island. Soon later after eating fry bread, I found the sound of the pounding drums very familiar. This inspired me to dance with my son Z and his cousin out in the dance circle with all of the natives who were in their full dance wear. It was at a point in the Pow Wow when the announcer invites everyone to dance. It was fun and probably the most fun I had at the Pow Wow. The scattered showers cut our stay at the Pow Wow short, but it was just as well since we were travelling with little ones. Then we headed to a cousin of my deceased grandmother's who lives on Walpole Island for a bit. Upon leaving both little ones did not want to leave and both of them had meltdowns. That was not fun, but once we were driving it didn't take long for them to fall asleep in the car. It was interesting to see Walpole Island again. The last time I was there was 15 years ago. So yeah, I was due to go back again to see it. It was a nice time of year to go there.

H3 at the Ren Cen

Originally uploaded by V G.

Here's my little guy climbing into an
H3. Of course, how could he resist. This model was a golf cart size.
I've never seen such a mini Hummer.
It was cute, like a baby beast. We recently returned from
a trip to Michigan for a family reunion (for my mom, her sisters and cousins). We saw this H3 in Detroit at the Ren Cen, short for Rennaisance Center, which is the tallest building in Detriot. They had a display of cars on the first floor, which makes sense since it is the "motor city".

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Originally uploaded by V G.

I love this sign. This was in this past LA Times Sunday paper.
I usually don't get a chance to read the paper, but I was up early last Sunday just long enough to see this before my little man woke up. It is so inspiring.
Go to this website to check out more about this. It is interesting and speaks to my inner actvist side that I used to enjoy expressing a lot during my art college days. It reminds me too that art is very much a state of mind and a point of view.
Here is the LA Times article. Copy and paste it in your browser.,0,840613.story

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Back to Usual

Originally uploaded by V G.

He's back to his usual funny self. You would never know that he was so sick last week. I'm glad for that. He is sleeping a little extra this week, but I think it's good for him. He lost at least 1 pound last week due to no appetite. Here he is full of energy stomping on an abandoned sand castle. He is very good at squashing sand castles.
It was an overcast day...a little cool, but not too cool. In a way it was perfect. Little guy loves the beach.

Happy Mother's day to all you moms out there!!!
Enjoy your day!


Originally uploaded by V G.

Nothing like flying a kite.
Z took over holding the kite string to find out that the wind really does pull.
He immediately screamed for me to take back the kite. He held the kite just long enough for me to get a photo which I am amazed I was able to do.
He liked flying the kite. We had another small dragon kite from Target that looked cute in package, but didn't fly very well. It spun around in a spiral and crashed almost every time I tried getting it to fly. Oh well, it's still a cute kite. Hmm... I still have the package. If I can find the reciept for the dragon kite, maybe I'll return it. It seems like a kite should be able to fly. I had a feeling that the dragon kite might not fly well, but I loved how it looked. So much for looks. The kite in this photo flys like a charm. It's simple and wonderful... I love it when things work.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Snail Speed

Snail Speed
Originally uploaded by V G.

I feel like I've been going snail speed lately, but at least I'm going.
Part of it has to do with my son being sick with a double ear infection, which includes periodic red ears, high fever and vomiting.
Any kind of art attempt gets put on the backburner (again).
So, like a snail I'm going at a slow pace, but I keep going.
Remember the story of the Tortoise and the Hare?
Since my son is sick, I'd better get to sleep while I can before he wakes up and NEEDS me. He isn't sleeping well with a stuffy nose to add to his list of current ailments.
I hope everyone is staying healthy out there.