Monday, May 5, 2008

Snail Speed

Snail Speed
Originally uploaded by V G.

I feel like I've been going snail speed lately, but at least I'm going.
Part of it has to do with my son being sick with a double ear infection, which includes periodic red ears, high fever and vomiting.
Any kind of art attempt gets put on the backburner (again).
So, like a snail I'm going at a slow pace, but I keep going.
Remember the story of the Tortoise and the Hare?
Since my son is sick, I'd better get to sleep while I can before he wakes up and NEEDS me. He isn't sleeping well with a stuffy nose to add to his list of current ailments.
I hope everyone is staying healthy out there.


patrice said...

Bill and Annie both had a head/sinus thing that I am hoping to avoid. Your poor little darling having two infected ears and drainage! Plus you having to hold down your job with repetitive wakings at night...STRESS and fatigue.
I hope you are able to care for yourself even if you don't get to satisfy your need for creative expression. Maybe with young kids, they are our creative expression, then we get to do art when their needs aren't so high?
Much warmth,

Project Pink Suitcase said...

Thank you for always leaving wonderful comments. Little guy is much better now. I know what you mean about the need for creative expression. I'm coming to this same conclusion that you write about. I still try to get a little art in here and there when I can. My golf and sport life is feeling it too. Oh well, it is life. I take lots of photos right now, which in some way is how I am fulfilling part of my creative needs. Doing this blog is another way to create. It's true my little guy will not be little day he will have his own interests. Then I will miss these days as he is now. The lesson is (and always seems to be)to be in the present moment.
Happy Mother's Day! I enjoy your blog!