Saturday, May 24, 2008


Originally uploaded by V G.

Here's the Pow Wow at Walpole Island which borders Michigan and Ontario,Canada. The island is considered Canadian land.
Things are very green this time of year.
Z had fun with his cousin (in pink). They ran around like crazy.
I just tried to keep up with them all day.
We had fairly good weather. It rained for 15-20 minutes, then passed. Then it would rain again. Overall, we lucked out with the weather since this time of year you never know what you will get.
The Pow Wow was fun. I always enjoy the bright colors of the Native American dance wear. Since I don't go often, I at first felt very "white" even with my 50% of Native American blood from this specific tribe, Chippewa, who originated on Walpole Island. Soon later after eating fry bread, I found the sound of the pounding drums very familiar. This inspired me to dance with my son Z and his cousin out in the dance circle with all of the natives who were in their full dance wear. It was at a point in the Pow Wow when the announcer invites everyone to dance. It was fun and probably the most fun I had at the Pow Wow. The scattered showers cut our stay at the Pow Wow short, but it was just as well since we were travelling with little ones. Then we headed to a cousin of my deceased grandmother's who lives on Walpole Island for a bit. Upon leaving both little ones did not want to leave and both of them had meltdowns. That was not fun, but once we were driving it didn't take long for them to fall asleep in the car. It was interesting to see Walpole Island again. The last time I was there was 15 years ago. So yeah, I was due to go back again to see it. It was a nice time of year to go there.


patrice said...

I'd love to see more photos of the Pow Wow. I can hear the drums and smell the flatbread...
Glad you got to go. It sounds wonderful. Except for the meltdowns. Ugh!

Green Kitchen said...

Maybe the drums were familiar because you grew up near the Cliff and the hippie drum circles? ;)