Saturday, May 12, 2007

Red Mary Janes

Red Mary Janes
Originally uploaded by V G.

I have been searching for Mary Janes, red Mary Janes to be specific.
Finally, after hunting diligently for a couple weeks...I decided to paint these off-white canvas colored ones. It's for a costume. Later this week I am going to be Velma from Scooby-Doo and my friend is going to be Shaggy. It seems like I have seen Mary Janes everywhere in every color possible, but when it came time to actually find a pair then it was a different story.
Then, before the hunt of this type of Mary Jane shoe, I was looking for more of a classic leather Mary Jane with a low heel which is closer to what the character Velma wore. After finding some that were black, not red and out of stock in my size, I decided to broaden my shoe possibilites for Velma. My friend who will be Shaggy suggested the canvas type of Mary Jane or even just the old school red Converse. I almost did the red Converse. Then tonight I stumbled across these canvas Mary Janes. They weren't red...but, hmmm...they could be painted. So that's what I did. Doing an internet search crossed my mind many times, but I don't have time to wait for shipping, or surprises if they don't fit properly. If I had more time...I would have definitely searched for stuff on the internet.
Now I still need a pair of "Velma" glasses. To be continued...

Happy Mother's Day to all of the blogging moms on the internet.

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