Monday, April 16, 2007

Mural In-Progress

Mural In-Progress
Originally uploaded by V G.

Here's the latest on the mural.
I was thinking of David Hockney's "pool series" when I painted the mow marks in the grass. Can you tell?
This mural still has a long way to go, but I'll get there.
It's basically blocked in now.
As you may notice, the sandtrap color is actually the original color of the wall coming through.
There is still so much to do to it. I usually don't like to post works in-progress, but it might help me to keep tinkering with it and one day say, "I'm finished."
It's also getting me to look at other parts of the house which need fresh paint for real. Hmmm? Always lots of projects...


Erin said...

This is looking great! :o)

Bored Insomniac said...

Wow, very impressive! Good luck with it, can't wait to see the finished product.