Friday, April 6, 2007

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!
Originally uploaded by V G.

Happy Easter everybody!
Here I am dressed for Easter.
Actually, I'm not. It's the beauty of Photoshop.
Last month I met James Hayes, the Puppeteer who was giving a
talk on his life as a puppeteer. Very interesting man. What a cool job. Anyway, in the room where he spoke, there was a life-size cut-out of his pink bunny costume where you could stick your head in the cut-out section. Then, you get your polaroid taken. It was so much fun. James says he wears this costume for Halloween or whenever he feels like wearing it. Anyway, I just remembered I had this photo and meant to post it sooner. Today the lightbulb in my head went off, then "Bingo!". It seemed perfect for Easter.
I added a forrest in the background.
It seemed to go with the pink bunny...although this bunny could have easily been in the city too. Or at a nightclub, or a baseball game or viewing the Eifel Tower or promoting pizza cheese slices or whatever...
Enjoy the holiday!

Here's the original polaroid from the James Hayes day.


patrice said...

Project Pink Bunny?

Project Pink Suitcase said...

Yeah, Project Pink Suitcase seems to gravitate towards pink for some odd reason. Pink bunnies, pink clouds, pink typefaces. One day I will post the story behind Project Pink Suitcase. I haven't yet because there are always so many other things to do a post on.
Thank you for your comment!
Your 3 words with question mark produced a whole paragraph from me.
Happy Easter to you and your family!

Blaize said...

Excellent! Wow. Photoshop? I totally thought you were actually a giant pink rabbit in the forest. And, I'm kind of disappointed that you're not. Oh, well. Happy Easter right back at ya.