Sunday, November 23, 2008


Originally uploaded by projectpink

We went on a mini trip to the Getty.
It was brief but beautiful.
Here we are by the garden. After going to the Getty cafe, the garden, then to look at some historical landscape photographs, Z was done.
We only made it to the one photo exhibit (one room), which is barely anything of what they have. I have to say it is more than I have done in a while so I will take what I can get. I love the Getty, so any little bit is a treat. It reminds me that I should try to go more often. When Z is a tiny bit older they have kids' activities I can take him to.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

What a great garden. Glad you got to see a little of what they were showing. Yes, much more to "do" as the little ones get a bit older. For now, it's all about timing: how much can they handle?(pre-nap? post-nap? no-nap? lunch? potty? dinner? pull-up? on and on...)But what a joy.