Sunday, December 7, 2008

Candy Cane

Candy Cane
Originally uploaded by projectpink

Today we got a Christmas tree at a tree lot. Z loved running in the
"tree forest". Here he is with a holiday favorite, the candy cane.
I'm still slightly in denial that we are in December already.
Despite my denial, I am doing lots of Christmas things with Z already. He is noticing all of the Holiday lights going up in the neighborhood. We are reading about "Frosty" and "The Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bell". We are even listening to Jingle Bells in my car. Tomorrow we will decorate the tree. I love this time of year and each year it seems to go by quicker and quicker. Blink. 2009.

1 comment:

mudderhouz said...

Your such a good Mom. Z is going to have great Christmas memories. I agree, the holidays seem to come and go quickly.