Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Originally uploaded by V G.

Here he is. He's mostly happy...but don't get me wrong, he has his terrible 2 moments too.
I've been gearing myself up for doing some paintings.
But, I get interrupted alot. Like almost all of the time.
Ok, I have a good he is.
He will not be little forever. It already seems like a time warp.
At the beginning of the year I wanted to do a small sketch-a-day.
Well, that hasn't been happening. Now I'm shooting for sketch-per-month. When the time is right it will happen. I'm sure of that, so I'm not worried. Yes I am. No I'm not. Ok, I am a little worried, but I do believe it will happen. It will. Think positive. OK, I really have to start painting soon.


Kelly said...

Oh, what a sweet boy. I know what you mean. I love your confidence. You WILL paint again. I think you will. I hope you will. You will!! It's Saturday morning and I woke up before V, so I tiptoed over to my computer to catch up on emails (and internet surfing). She heard me laughing at this post and came running, "Are you laughing at ME??" Sheesh, toddlers are so self-centered. :)

patrice said...

Great picture!
Handsome little devil...
I'm on the once a year plan with the sketches and paintings. I'm working on (almost) a full size painting of Annie to commemorate her seventh b-day. I will post something when there's more to show.

Project Pink Suitcase said...

I love your comments!
Thank you!
Kelly, I love your V stories. They make me laugh too. I can relate.
Patrice, You are always so encouraging. I love it! I can't wait to see your painting of Annie.