Friday, July 20, 2007

Spider City at LA Zoo

Here's a photo from the spider exhibit, "Spider City" at the LA Zoo.
My husband took this photo of my son and myself sticking our heads into a painted board that gives me a spider body and my son a fly body. It was at the conclusion of the exhibit right next to the "Spider City" t-shirt sales booth. I decided to face my fears head on and see the spider exhibit. It wasn't so bad. In fact, I had no fear. I think a big reason is that all of the spiders are well kept behind glass. My fear is the fear of randomly running into a spider at home. You know, reaching behind something and getting biten. Since living in our house, I have seen 4 black widows at different times. I remember each one specifically. Each time, I was slightly paranoid and could not sleep soundly until the black widow was terminated. My husband thinks I'm crazy. I'm not afraid of Daddy Long Legs, they are not poisonous.
I have not seen any black widows recently, but it is spider season so I wouldn't be surprised if I come across one. I've become better at knowing what their webs look like. That is usually the first sign. I'm way more cautious of old boxes and stacked chairs that have been sitting around for a while in the garage or backyard.
I'm starting to see the Orb Weaver make it's way onto the scene.
We had our first Orb Weaver sighting in the front yard roses and also one in the backyard roses.
Since finding out more about spiders via the internet, I am not so scared of them either. In fact, the good thing about spiders is that they are great at keeping the flying pests under control.


patrice said...

Love the pic of you two!! And good for you for facing the fear. I've been bitten (on the forehead) by a black widow, and it got swollen, I was dizzy, then it got itchy. It may account for some of my current character defects...
I also read that the daddy long leg was the most poisonous spider, just too small of teeth to penetrate human flesh. Is that possible?
Hope all is well for you all down there. We're moving in a few short days, so I'll be posting/commenting from Alameda soon.

Project Pink Suitcase said...

Wow, that is intense. Being bitten by a black widow is one of my hugest fears. I'm glad you lived through it. It sounds like people who suffer the most from black widows are the elderly and the very young. Right now I'm more worried for my son coming across a black widow. If he sees one he might try to pick it up or something crazy. Now that you mention daddy long legs being the most poisonous, I am going to have to look up info on them. I have been more focused on "poisionous to humans" during most of my spider research so far.
My research is not that prolific, just stuff I can find on the internet here and there.
It's an interesting fact that daddy long legs are one of the most poisonous. be continued.
I look forward to your posting from Alameda!
Good luck with your move!