Sunday, January 20, 2008

Super Water Play

Super Water Play
Originally uploaded by V G.

Here's my son with the hose in his Superman shirt and cape.
He would not settle for anything less than his Superman shirt and cape this day. "I want to put on Superman." he told us. Nope, not Spiderman. No truck shirts. No dinosaurs.
Certainly not a stripe print.
It had to be Superman with the cape. He was Superman all day.
When I saw him with the hose, I had to get a photo of him. He was so excited to be the one with the hose. Priceless. This is one of those "happy to be a mom" moments. From the look on Superman's face, it's a "happy to be a kid" moment.

1 comment:

patrice said...

did you stay dry??

he is really adorable!!
makes me smile just looking at him!
