Monday, June 15, 2009

Dodgers, Acupuncture & Painting

Watching a Dodger Game
Originally uploaded by projectpink

Here are two important men in my life. We went to see the Dodgers V.S. Phillies play on June 6th, 2009.
It's always fun going to the stadium and watching the Dodgers play.
They won that day too, so that is always a plus.
Father's Day is coming up this next weekend...Hmmm???
I'm feeling more like myself. The pain I was in is almost gone.
Now, I'm seeing an acupuncturist/herbalist in addition to a chiropractor. I am finding out I like acupuncture. A couple friends recommended it, but I admit I was reluctant to try it. I have a huge fear of needles. Then about 2 weeks ago, I thought why not? I had no idea that I would enjoy acupuncture so much. I thought I would be petrified of the needles, but I barely notice them. The whole history of acupuncture is so fascinating too. I know little of it, but what I am learning, tiny bit by tiny bit has me enthralled. I'm into my 3rd week of taking an easy yoga class too. This is great too. I'm trying new things for me which is so fun.
I actually made it to a plein air outing last weekend. A group of artists called the Allied Artists of the Santa Monica Mountatins meets once a month for Paint Outs. I was only there for an hour, but any little thing is great. I did a quick watercolor and took some photos. For a while I was member of the Allied Artists and was in a group show. Lately, I just try to show up when I can. I notice that when I paint now (post-having a baby), I am a lot more direct now. I am in a way more efficent with my brush strokes due to limited painting time. This has been interesting for me to notice. Actually, I am more direct in other areas too. I tend to make decisions quicker instead of pondering many outcomes before making a decision. Somehow I have adapted getting in the things I love to do with less time...becoming more efficient out of necessity. This is a good thing.
However, do not be confused, I would love to have more time in my day if I could.

Enjoy your day my friends!!!


Kelly said...

Very nice - your men, a baseball game, acupuncture, painting - all great & positive things to celebrate in life. I'm so glad you're feeling better. I totally know what you mean about becoming more efficient with everything. And yes, I want more time every day too, but it's so great to be able to enjoy little moments whenever we can. Keep up the blog posts too. I love reading them!

patrice said...

Whew! So glad you are getting relief finally, and stretching yourself with the yoga and joining in on the plein air group. Woohoo. I'm inspired to do a few things for myself after reading this post.
Much warmth,

Project Pink Suitcase said...

Thank you for your comments. I always appreciate and enjoy your blogs too!!! xo, V