Sunday, February 24, 2008


Originally uploaded by V G.

What a year. So many memories...
From left to right, Kelly (high school friend), Nina (exchange student from Denmark), Georgia (native Italian), and me on the beach in Sestri Levante, Italy.
Here is my world in a nutshell for 1987. I graduated high school. I went to Sestri Levante, Italy as an exchange student, living with a family in Italy for a month in the summer. Then, a student stayed with my family for a month the same summer. I was accepted to Art Center College of Design and began my study there the same year in the fall.
I was very tan back then since I had so much time to go to the beach everyday. Since it was the 80's, I had a perm which was kind of a crazy perm. I liked it kind of crazy back then.
I had big earrings which I made myself in my high school jewelry class. My favorite pair were these big yellow enamel baked ones that I am wearing in this photo. I almost always wore a madonna-esque tie thing in my hair. Although at the time I was anti-Madonna. It's funny because now I really like Madonna. I even love her 80's music. I really love her current music.
That was a big year for me...lots of memories!


Green Kitchen said...

Did you know I've been to Sestri?

A classic photo. It's hard for me to not think of you like this or the college photo. Too much time has gone by and it's sort of freaking me out.

Project Pink Suitcase said...
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Project Pink Suitcase said...

Hi GK!
I kind of vaguely remember that you went to Italy. It was a long time ago. I'm all baby brained.
I LOVED Sestri.
20 years has gone by, which kind of freaks me out too for different reasons. Basically I feel about the same as I did back then but hopefully I've grown to be a little more wiser.

Kelly said...

Was this really 20 years ago? It feels like it was last summer. When are we going back for a Sestri reunion??

Project Pink Suitcase said...

I know this photo does feel like yesterday. I would love to go back to Sestri again. I'm not sure when I will get to go there again, but I would LOVE it. Someday...I'll get back there again.