Sunday, October 19, 2008

Mighty Tonka Truck

Mighty Tonka Truck
Originally uploaded by projectpink

Here's Z with a friend's old school Mighty Tonka Truck.
The truck is mostly metal like how they used to make them.
It is still in great condition. Z loved pulling it over the paver stones
in my friend's backyard. It was filled with hotwheels. He is completely 100% boy.
I've been thinking I should change the name of my blog to Project Z since it has been almost completely about Z. You can see where my priorities are, as they should be. I totally enjoy him.
For now I'll keep my blog as Project Pink Suitcase because I still have projects in the works. They just take longer to execute now.


mudderhouz said...

I think Z is your best project by far. Hey I have an old metal tonka firetruck. Do you think Z would like that?

Project Pink Suitcase said...

Yes, he loves old metal trucks...
they are his favorite.
We will probably be in SC this Thanksgiving...I think.