Saturday, October 13, 2007

Spider Costume

Spider Costume
Originally uploaded by V G.

October? What? Where is the time going?
I can't believe we are at the last 2 1/2 months of the calendar for 2007.
My son is going to be a spider this Halloween. Here he is testing out the costume from Babystyle. I have been so obsessed with spiders these past couple of years. It's not because I love spiders, it's because I fear spiders, especially venomous black widows which have been spotted on our property. It's almost the end of Orb Weaver spider season. We have been watching them build their webs. My son knows about Orb Weavers and that they make big spider webs.

For me, I already bought myself an orange t-shirt with a black crow printed on it from Target. Yeah, I'm going super simple this year. Orange and black, SIMPLE. But wait, I still have time to make my spider costume. Oh, I do have time? I know, but I don't want to go through the whole pulling together a costume thing again this year. But, we were so cute last year. Yeah, that was last year. C'mon wouldn't it be cool if I did a black widow costume to match my son? I could do it simple. I knew this was going to happen...I probably will throw some sort of costume together at the last minute. It's in my blood. OK, maybe I'll make an attempt. If it's a total disaster I can use my orange tee with black crow print for a back-up. We'll see. No pressure.


patrice said...

Gosh he's a darling!! I think he looks a lot like you!
Take pics if you do a costume.
I'm working on what I'm going to wear too.

Kelly said...

Oh this is an adorable spider!
And ha! I have that same Target orange with black crow Halloween tee shirt! I love it. I am also thinking of costume ideas. There's plenty of time to pull together that costume of your dreams....October is a long month! good luck!

Project Pink Suitcase said...

Thanks for your comments!
I'm having second thoughts on pulling together a costume, but like I keep saying it's not too late. I usually wait until the last possbile minute to increase the drama (not intentionally, that's just what happens).