Friday, February 2, 2007

T is for Truck.

Truck Book
Originally uploaded by V G.

C is for car. Car... car...everything is a car or a ball. Ball... ball...
This is according to my 16 month old son.
This is his absolute favorite book of all-time. He loves to chew on it.
Carry it around. Grandma has even tried taping it back up for him so that he may enjoy it longer.

After I post this, I am temporarily going to change the subtitle of my blog from "Project Pink Suitcase: Art and Life" to
"Project Pink Suitcase: Attempts to Make Art and Life with a Toddler".
As you can see I am very easily distracted these days. I don't mind it though. My toddler will not be a toddler forever...then, it will be on to the next stage. I am just trying to enjoy these moments and stay in the now. Yesterday, my boss at work was asking me about my son and asked how old he is now. I told her, then added a comment about his cute chubby hands. She said I'd better take photos of his hands now...they lose their chub so soon. So, this might be my next document my little guy before he totally grows up.

In regards to my art and art making, I don't want to force anything. I feel like my art will happen again when it is the right time. I'm not worried about it. I miss it, but I'm not worried about. I'm too busy with my toddler to worry about it too much right now anyway.

Today is Groundhog's Day. Happy Groundhog's Day!!!

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